We specialize in :

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Emergency Room Physician Groups

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Emergency Room Facilities

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Freestanding Emergency Centers

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Urgent Care

RCM Flexibility

Whether you need coding services, billing services or both, Phoenix RCM is ready to provide the support you need. Our flexibility is our strength.

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Revenue Cycle Management Services

Phoenix RCM understands that medical RCM is a complex process that involves multiple steps to ensure accurate and timely payment for healthcare services. Phoenix RCM, with our partners, provides the following services as a part of our offering:

  • Patient Registration
  • Verification of Insurance Eligibility
  • Medical Coding
  • Claim Creation and Submission
  • Payment Posting and Denial Management
  • Patient Billing and Collections
  • Follow-Up and Appeals

Proper Claim Submissions

If you are battling an insurance company over improper claim denials, then get in touch with us. Our subject experts have the experience to defend proper claim submissions and get appropriate reimbursements.

We support our clients by communicating with insurance carriers directly and providing compliance guidelines documentation.

Consulting Services

Our team has extensive experience in the emergency room and revenue cycle management processes. Whether you want us to review your workflow, internal protocols, or compliance plans, we’ve got you covered.

Additionally, our team specializes in working with Freestanding Emergency Centers from the ground up. We are more that capable of helping start-ups and existing centers reduce costs and streamline processes.

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Auditing Services

At Phoenix RCM, we truly believe in checks and balances and encourage all to have external audits once a year. Whether it is a compliance audit, coding and/or billing audit, Phoenix RCM has the skill sets to provide you with a level of confidence that your teams are doing what is necessary to optimize your revenue stream.

Our auditors will provide detailed feedback, education and supporting documentation on variances found. Whether you need a check-up or a compliance partner, we are ready to partner with you.

Get Started

Contact us so we can discuss your medical coding and billing needs in detail. You can expect the best results with our education techniques and expert coders.